Human being posses spontaneous spatial capacity called mental space in which they realize the concept of religion which appears in symbols and taboos that define ritual space in anthropology, social space in sociology, psychological space in psychology, text space in literature, and expression space in music. These mental spaces have no boundaries for imagination, the only one limitation is that the mental space fails to construct live inside perception. Despite the mental space, human construct physical space by creating artifacts.
Samosir island which is, at 630 Km2, notable as being the largest island within an island, and the fourth largest lake island in the world, is located in Lake Toba, north of the island of Sumatera, Indonesia.
This island is the centre of the Batak culture which is patriarchal organized along clans know as Marga. The Toba Batak believes that they originate from one ancestor "Si Raja Batak", with all Margas, descended from him. They are known traditionally for their weaving, wood carving and especially for ornate stone tombs.
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