Sunday, February 17, 2008

Samosir Island @ Lake Toba

Human being posses spontaneous spatial capacity called mental space in which they realize the concept of religion which appears in symbols and taboos that define ritual space in anthropology, social space in sociology, psychological space in psychology, text space in literature, and expression space in music. These mental spaces have no boundaries for imagination, the only one limitation is that the mental space fails to construct live inside perception. Despite the mental space, human construct physical space by creating artifacts.

Samosir island which is, at 630 Km2, notable as being the largest island within an island, and the fourth largest lake island in the world, is located in Lake Toba, north of the island of Sumatera, Indonesia.

This island is the centre of the Batak culture which is patriarchal organized along clans know as Marga. The Toba Batak believes that they originate from one ancestor "Si Raja Batak", with all Margas, descended from him. They are known traditionally for their weaving, wood carving and especially for ornate stone tombs.


Concrete Box

“ ..The space of architects is not quite like that of philosophers or of musicians…architect’s space is the stuff of which architecture is made”. (Moore, C and Lyndon, D, 1994)

Corner Line Encounter

Glass Reflection

Lake Maninjau @ Sumatera

which famous due to its scenic beauty and mild climate has an area of 99.5 km², and being approximately 16 km long and 7 km wide with average depth is 105 m, along with a maximum depth of 165 m. Most of the people who live around Lake Maninjau are ethnically Minangkabau with the culture of matrilineal which believes that property and land should passing down from mother to daughter, while religious and political affairs are the province of men.

The Minangkabau are strongly Islamic which combine with their ethnic tradition called adat derived from both Animistic and Hindu beliefs which already occurred before the arrival of Islam. The present relationship between Islam and adat is described in the saying "tradition [adat] founded upon Islamic law, Islamic law founded upon the Qur'an" (adat basandi syara', syara' basandi Kitabullah).

The Manhattan Skyline

“Each evening the skyscrapers of New York assume the anthropomorphic shapes of multiple gigantic Millet’s Angel uses….motionless, and ready to perform the sexual act and to devour one another……it is the sanguinary desire that illuminates them and makes all the central heating and the central poetry circulate within their ferruginous bone structure….” Salvador Dali in Delirious New York, 1978

The city which is the creation of the environment by human where there is no separation between civilized life and society, is understood here as architecture, the construction of the city over time. Architecture came into being along with the first traces of the city which is deeply rooted in the formation of the civilization and is permanent, universal , and necessary artifact which are formed by the aesthetic intention and the creation of better surrounding that differ from every other art and science.

The monument which is a primary element of urban artifact that has strong art intention in it, plays a major part in the city since it has high influence to its development. The development of the New York City is one of the best example where the skyscrapers become the monuments of the city owing to its beauty that also generate the city’s form as a whole by its type and typology and become the theater for human events not only where feelings, memory of the past and potential memory of the future are accommodated, but also where the events are constituted along with its urban dynamics of culture, politic, and economy that sometimes, in its development, need to sacrifice something such the phenomena of expropriation in order to pursuing the quality of the city as a gigantic man made to the perfection as it can be.

Circular Details

A great building is the greatest conceivable work of art because it presents difficulties annulled, resources combined, labor, courage, and patience. A great building does indeed represent such accomplishments, but these do not make it the greatest conceivable work of art, only the most unlikely. When building becomes art, it does so only by standing on the shoulders of engineering, physics, mechanics, logistics, economics, and craft. Henry James in Architecture as Art, 1984

Continuous Line

Curve Space

“Space is more an idea than a delineated concept. Try to put it into words and you lose it.” (Hertzberger, 2000)

Perfect Balance

Fold Facade

Living @ Cikapundung

Urban Living